Book Review: Chasing Shadows

BOOK BY: Lynn Austin

This was an interesting viewpoint of life during German occupation in the Netherlands. I think this is the first time I’ve read a novel about the intensity of living under the enemy’s rule, even though Holland was considered a neutral territory during the war. This story focuses on the underground work of the Dutch Resistance.

I could picture the countryside where Lena and Pietr’s farm is; where they helped the “shadow people” hide. I could picture the big cities where Ans moved and helped a family friend from sinking into depression. There is a colourful cast of characters that make the story quite interesting – never knowing if one could trust the other. Characters were from all walks of life and abilities which really made the story refreshing to read. I especially appreciated the scene showing the humanity of a young Nazi soldier who longed to be home.

However, the ending was a bit too happy for the type of story it was. I won’t spoil it, but I thought it should have turned out differently for a couple of the characters.

I received an ecopy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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