A question I hear often is where do you find inspiration for the stories you write?
My answer is quite simple. It’s in the everyday things. I realize that doesn’t help in understanding the creative process, but here’s how I was inspired for Snowbound in Winterberry Falls.
It was early December 2018 when I came across an interesting article. There’s a hotel somewhere in New England that does Christmas all year round! Someone had posted a link on Facebook and of course I followed the trail. The photos were inspiring and it got my wheels spinning. Then, I started researching things to do in New England over the winter holidays, thinking perhaps I might want to go there (for research purposes of course!).
Very Merry Middlebury is a month-long celebration of all things Christmas in Middlebury, VT. The website says this about the festival:
Holiday magic comes to Middlebury with a festive and fun-filled month of December, complete with visits from Santa, horse drawn wagon rides, special event shopping nights, a breakfast with holiday characters, an “I Spy” contest with prizes, the Hot Cocoa Hut and free gift wrap for items purchased in Middlebury.
It was after discovering this festival, I found my story. I began asking questions and slowly, the story of Stephanie and Jason’s second chance began to form and the fictional town of Winterberry Falls was born.
You can find creative inspiration anywhere – just let your imagination go free and see where it will take you!
Do you have a story in you?
*Originally posted on BrodeurWrites.com